Sometimes we have to wait for something good, and I believe that the new bike shelter in Monkswell has been worth the wait.
Back in 2019 I sponsored an Environmental Improvement Bid (EIP) when I was a councillor for that ward. By 2023 it was being consulted by residents and other ward councillors, and with their support and some topup funding from Housing the project could proceed.

This week it was completed and as you can see from the photographs it is a wonderful covered, biodiverse shelter, lit by an existing nearby light, with four Sheffield stands. I hope that it will be useful for residents and visitors, and that we can use this an example for more around our lovely city. I’ll certainly be using it when I visit Monkswell.
Thank you to the resident who first suggested it in 2019, the City Council who agreed the funding, and the Open Spaces team for getting this built and opened.