it’s the last weekend of campaigning before the local elections on Thursday, and I’ve been all over Cambridge these past few days supporting my fellow Labour candidates, when I’m not canvassing and delivering leaflets in Cambridge. It’s hard work, but worth it to support great local candidates like Alice Gilderdale, Anne Miller, Antoinette Nestor and Mary Murphy, and everyone else, of course – see the full list on the Cambridge Labour website, and find out where to cast your vote here, if you haven’t already voted by post, on the excellent ‘Where do I vote?’ site from Democracy Club:
I couldn’t have managed it all without my trusty Urban Arrow electric cargo bike. Since we bought it in 2018 it has been a vital part of my life, getting me around, and carrying leaflets, shopping, books, clothes and a lot more. We have the ‘short’ cargo version, which is a lot more manoeuverable than the long one, but won’t take a small child!
(And see my earlier blog post about choosing the bike.)
Cycling is the main way I get around, so I’m always pleased to respond to the Camcycle election survey – see my answers on the Camcycle website.

The cargo bike is a complex machine, and so this week we took it back to Outspoken for a full service – which included upgrading the firmware on both the controller and the battery – and now it’s as smooth to ride as when we bought it.

I’ll try to wave as I whizz past you – and don’t forget to vote on Thursday (and bring some ID).