Greenways: Cycle routes into Cambridge

I’ve spent this weekend reading the ‘Greenways’ report from the County Council – find it on their website – about cycle routes into Cambridge and how they could be improved.

According to the report, a ‘greenway’ is ‘an attractive, linear corridor segregated from traffic or on quiet roads for use by those travelling on foot, by cycle or, where feasible, by horse’ – so a bridleway for the modern world!

I’m very fortunate as I can get from most of the way from my home into the centre of the City along the guided busway to the railway station, and now that the building works there are nearing completion it’s a good way to avoid traffic and junctions – but many aren’t as fortunate.

The goal seems admirable – building a network of routes around Cambridge to encourage cycling, and the report looks at routes that exists already but need improvement, or which are incomplete.

The next stage will involve consultation with landowners, and I know from my work as an architect that it’s vital to begin as early as possible and to listen carefully to concerns so they can be properly addressed. I’ll be keeping a close eye on this proposal, as it could be very important for reducing traffic and also making more areas around Cambridge liveable for those who can’t afford high rents closer to the centre.