Yesterday I spent six hours in Cambridge Guildhall with fellow members of the City Council planning committee discussing the application to redevelop the Beehive and make my decision on whether it should be approved.
However the shape of our discussion changed at the beginning of the meeting when a case officer told us that the application had been called in by the Secretary of State who will make the final decision.
It was explained that therefore the committee would not be able to make a decision but that we would listen to evidence, discuss the scheme and come to a ‘minded to’ decision, which means we get to tell the government that if it was up to us, this is what we’d decide.
We were also told that the evidence presented and debate we were taking part in were very important as they would part of the evidence presented during the call in process. The process itself could take several months.
At the end of our debate there was unanimous support for the ‘minded to’ recommendation to refuse the application, which supported the recommendation to refuse made by the case officer.
So at the moment we wait for a decision. In the meantime the application has not been approved and Railpen cannot proceed with the redevelopment. We hope that our detailed assessment of the evidence, our extensive discussion, and the final decision we made will have significant weight with the Secretary of State.
The Committee meeting (on YouTube)
What happens next -though it does start with ‘The content of this document is guidance only with no statutory status.’
Listen to a discussion with local residents on Dotty McLeod’s show on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, starting at 07:47