As the campaign for the City Council Elections on May 3rd gets into full swing, our team has been out again in Trumpington, knocking on doors to find out more about the issues that matter to people. We’ve heard about traffic congestion, concerns that there are too few local shops, and of course concerns about local transport. We’ll be out every weekend – and some weekdays – between now and the election.
I’ve been out in Trumpington with other Labour activists, talking to local people and asking about the issues they face that we may be able to help with. A lot of you are concerned about the rapid growth of Trumpington and the strain it places on roads and other services, for example.
It’s really enjoyable to go around meeting people – but it’s a lot of walking, as you can see – this was my trip around a block of flats!
canvassing route
I’ll be out again this afternoon and hope to meet lots of people.
After all our hard work, the people of Cambridge came through and voted overwhelmingly for Daniel Zeichner as our MP – with a 16% swing and a majority of nearly 13000!
The Trumpington campaign organiser George Owers, who did so much to help me in the County campaign – that seems an age ago but was only last month – wrote this and I wanted to share it with everyone.
‘As you will have all seen, we achieved an amazing, thumping victory yesterday in Cambridge – winning by nearly 13,000 votes, with 51.9% of the vote.
Trumpington played its role: we ran an excellent operation and turned out our vote strongly. My sources from the count tell me that it appears that we actually won in Trumpington yesterday – a pretty astonishing outcome for a ward that used to be easily our weakest in Cambridge.
But this doesn’t come as a huge surprise: the other day we canvassed old Trumpington, wandering up Church Lane and Grantchester Road, and I have to say I was pretty astonished to see 7 or 8 Labour posters to 1 Lib Dem, many of them put up with no prompting from us. We also saw very strong support from the new estates: voters who only recently appeared on the electoral register, whom we had no records on, poured out to vote yesterday: clearly many of them supported us.
Thank you to everyone who has helped in this campaign: everyone, from those who put up a poster, those who delivered leaflets, to those who were out knocking on doors and getting our vote out yesterday, deserves a hearty slap on the back.
We built strongly on Katie’s amazing campaign, which formed an excellent foundation for this general election.
After a brief rest to recover my energy, I’ve been out helping the Labour campaign to re-elect Daniel Zeichner. There are leaflets to deliver, letters to address, posters to distribute and – of course – a lot of doors to knock on!
The response has been amazing, and the energy of all the Labour canvassers is remarkable after we’d all been working so hard for the local election. Daniel has been out with us, too, and it’s been great to work closely with him.
On Saturday, our MEP Alex Mayer organised a Labour Movement for Europe canvassing day to help re-elect a strongly pro-Europe Labour MP in Cambridge. Here they are helping out in Trumpington ward:
Sunday’s “guest” canvassers came from SERA, Labour’s environment campaign, and they joined an East Chesterton team which kicked off from the Green Dragon pub: